Fraud Red Team uses real accounts and conducts live test scenarios to test the assumption that your fraud prevention and detection controls are aligned, coordinated and working within and across your contact channels.

"If you do not know your weakest point, be certain, your enemy will."

- Sun Tzu


Fraud Red Team uses real accounts and conducts live scenarios to test the belief that your fraud controls work and are aligned across your contact channels.

"If you do not know your weakest point, be certain, your enemy will."

- Sun Tzu

A New Approach to Risk Assessment

Fraud Red Team tests how your financial institution's controls are actually implemented in production, how they are working and aligned across channels, and provides potential insights into why fraud is being driven to your organization vs peer institutions.

Discover Your Financial

Institution's Weakness

Before the Fraudsters


-- Proactively Identify Fraud Control Gaps

-- Provide Testing Evidence

-- Provide Recommendations

--Proactively Identify Fraud Control Gaps

-- Provide Testing Evidence

-- Provide Recommendations

“We continue to have that relationship with them because of their professionalism and experience with, different types of businesses and different lines of businesses.”

Client Testimonial

Identify Your Gaps

Fraud Red Team proactively tests for gaps and weaknesses within your financial institution and in many cases finds weaknesses ahead of the fraudster. However, unlike the fraudsters, we provide you with a report on what we discovered and insight on what we did.

Let us help you identify weaknesses today.

Fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly!

222 S. Church St., Ste. 405M

Charlotte, NC 28202